Salse Red Onion Sauce with Balsamic Vinegar 190 gr Cucina Antica Cucina Antica ACCUA005 Sour and sour sauce based on red onion and balsamic vinegar of Modena I.G.P., particularly aromatic and with a crackling flavour. Our red onion sauce is prepared using fresh red onion with the addition of balsamic vinegar of Modena I.G.P.Ingredientsred onion (68%), sugar, “Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI” (12%), water, rice starch, salt, antioxidant:... View
Salse Pear and Ginger Sauce 210 gr Cucina Antica Cucina Antica ACCUA002 Agrodolce sauce based on Pere Williams cubes and fresh zenzero scaglie. Our sauce comes prepared using Pere Williams cubes raccolted in piena season. The taste of the pear comes esaltato dall''abbinamento with scaglie of fresh zenzero, which gives the product a light piccantezza ed a particolare fragrant.Ingredientipere (63%), zucchero, zenzero ( 1.8%),... View
Salse Orange sauce with onions 210 gr Cucina Antica Cucina Antica ACCUA001 Sauce based on orange and onion, with a slightly spicy note which gives a certain particularity to the underlying sweet and sour flavour. Our Orange Sauce with onions is delicate, fragrant and light. It is prepared using fresh orange pulp cut into pieces and onion diced.Ingredientssugar, orange pulp (29%), onion (28%), rice starch, juice lemon, salt, wine... View