Evo Oil Santoliva Extra Virgin Olive Oil 50 cl bottle Quignones Quignones ACQUI009 The olive grove of Sant’Oliva is located on a hill 150 m above sea level. The olives are harvested manually between September and October, and pressed in a continuous cycle at a controlled temperature on the same day as the harvest. The oil obtained naturally decants for 2 months in stainless steel tanks before being bottled. Balanced oil, characterized... View
Evo Oil Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil 75 cl Primo Amore Primo Amore ACPRA004 Traditionally good, it is a perfect balance between bitter and spicy. It is the right condiment for every dish, to which it knows how to add that extra something that wins you over.ENERGY 824 Kcal / 3389 KJFAT 91.6 gsaturated fatty acids 14 gCARBOHYDRATES 0 gof which sugars 0 gPROTEINS 0 gSALT 0 gIdeal for salads, meat, fish, pizza, creating sauces,... View
Evo Oil Olio EVO 25 cl Frantoio Oleario Verna Frantoio Oleario Verna ACFOV006 Type of oil: BlendAppearance: Golden yellow color with green reflectionsCultivars used: Gentile, Leccino, Cucco, etc Average values per 100 g of productEnergy value: 824 kcal / 3446 kJTotal fat: 92 g – of which:• saturated fatty acids 13 g• monounsaturated fatty acids 67 g• polyunsaturated fatty acids 6.9 gCarbohydrates: 0 g – of which sugars 0... View
Evo Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil in 2 lt can Giulidra Giulidra ACGIU012 Contents: Extra virgin olive oil, first cold pressing, 100% Italian olives. View
Evo Oil FRANTOIA Extra virgin olive oil 100% Italian 50 cl Atmosfere Siciliane Atmosfere Siciliane ACATS013 CULTIVARS: Biancolilla, Nocellara, Cerasuola.ZONE OF ORIGIN: Central-western Sicily.OLIVE GROVE ALTITUDE: Medium hill.PICKING TECHNIQUE: Picking by hand. EXTRACTION SYSTEM: crushing within 24 hours of harvesting, continuous extraction and separation by centrifuge, natural decantation and decanting.FILTERING: Not performed.APPEARANCE: Green colored oil of... View
Evo Oil Lovers Box Nocellara del Belice Extra Virgin Olive Oil 50 cl Vivera Vivera ACVSA015 Obtained with 100% Nocellara del belice olives, delicately fruity and aromatic olive grove in Corleone (Pa), hand-picked - ORGANIC View
Evo Oil Oil Three cultivars 33 25 cl Condiaroma 33 Condiaroma 33 ACCLV014 Properties: cold extracted product Ingredients: Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Cultivars: Nocellara – Cerasuola – Biancolilla View
Evo Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Valpolicella 50 cl Serego Alighieri Serego Alighieri ACSAL006 Extra virgin oil with a delicate, fruity and spicy flavour. The olives, harvested by hand and processed with the ancient system of mills (large granite wheels), come from the historic possessions of the Serego Alighieri Counts in Classic Valpolicella. ORGANOLEPTIC NOTES Appearance: golden yellow with green reflections. Smell: intense but delicate and... View
Evo Oil Gentile Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 lt Bertolli Bertolli ACBRT002 Bertolli Gentile is an extra virgin olive oil with a delicate aroma and a green color tending towards straw yellow. Suitable for those who love delicate flavours, it is usually appreciated by children for its non-aggressive flavour.Particularly suitable for:Veal, chicken, rabbit and white meats in general.Crustaceans, fish and especially fish fillets with... View
Evo Oil DOP Val di Mazara oil 500 ml Mandrarossa Mandrarossa ACMAN029 Denomination: Extra Virgin Olive Oil Size: 0.5l View
Evo Oil Extra virgin olive oil IGP Sicilia 75 cl Primo Amore Primo Amore ACPRA012 IGP Sicilia is an intensely fruity extra virgin olive oil, certified by the MIPAAFT body.A unique product that refers to the colors and flavors of the warm Sicilian land. The particular geographical position of Sicily and the territorial discontinuity with the European continent has created, in terms of biodiversity, a unique varietal panorama... View
Evo Oil CASTELLO DI RESULTANO Olio EVO DOP Val Di Mazara 50 cl Atmosfere Siciliane Atmosfere Siciliane ACATS032 CULTIVAR: 80% Biancolilla, 10% Cerasuola, 10% Nocellara del Belice.AREA OF ORIGIN: Central Sicily (DOP Val di Mazara).ALTITUDE OF OLIVE GROVE: High hills. COLLECTION TECHNIQUE: Picking by hand.EXTRACTION SYSTEM: Crushing within 24 hours of collection, extraction with a continuous cycle system, natural decantation and decanting.FILTERING: Using natural... View
Evo Oil BAGLIO DELLE SALINE Extra virgin olive oil DOP ValliTrapanesi 75 cl Atmosfere Siciliane Atmosfere Siciliane ACATS018 CULTIVAR: 80% Cerasuola, 10% Biancolilla, 10% Nocellara del Belice.AREA OF ORIGIN: Central Sicily (DOP Valli Trapanesi).OLIVE GROVE ALTITUDE: Hill.MAKING TECHNIQUE COLLECTION: Picking by hand.EXTRACTION SYSTEM: Crushing within 24 hours of collection, extraction with a continuous cycle plant, natural decanting and decanting.FILTERING: By means of natural... View
Evo Oil BARBERA Olio EVO IGP Sicilia Estratto a Freddo 75 cl Atmosfere Siciliane Atmosfere Siciliane ACATS027 CULTIVARBiancolilla, Nocellara, Cerasuola.AREA OF ORIGINSicily.ALTITUDE OLIVE GROVEHill.COLLECTION TECHNIQUE Picking by hand.EXTRACTION SYSTEMCrushing within 48 hours of harvesting, extraction with a continuous cycle plant, natural decantation and decanting.FILTERINGBy natural cloths.<br/ >AROMADelicately spicy.TASTESoft fruity flavor with a sweet... View
Evo Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil SICILY PGI 3 lt F R V can Frantoio Romano Vincenzo ACRVI017 FEATURES:Variety of olives used: nocellara dell'Etna, nocellara del Belice;Production area: Slopes of Etna, Simeto Valley;Altitude of the olive groves: 500- 800 meters above sea level;Free acidity % of oleic acid: from 0.20 to 0.50;Harvesting method: by hand with the aid of combs;Maturation state at harvest : early;Extraction system: continuous integral... View
Evo Oil EVO IGP oil 1 lt Don Vito Don Vito ACDOV060 Don Vito extra virgin olive oil preserves the ancient flavor born of remote wisdom and deriving from a long history that preserves the secret of genuineness and the delicacy of a pure and precious extra virgin olive oil. It is a 100% Sicilian cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil. In the month of October, at the right point of ripeness, the olives are... View
Evo Oil Original Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 lt Bertolli Bertolli ACBRT001 It is a simple and traditional extra virgin olive oil, ideal for accompanying the tastiest dishes of our culinary tradition.Olive oil is very sensitive to light and heat, so it is important to store it correctly for avoid oxidation processes which can make the oil rancid. View
Evo Oil TREASURE OF THE VALLEY Extra virgin olive oil DOP Valdemone 75 cl Atmosfere Siciliane Atmosfere Siciliane ACATS008 CULTIVAR: Santagatese, Ogliarola Messina.ZONE OF ORIGINCentral-Eastern Sicily.ALTITUDE OLIVE GROVEHill.COLLECTION TECHNIQUEBrowning by hand .EXTRACTION SYSTEMCrushing within 24 hours of collection, extraction with a continuous cycle plant, natural decantation and decanting.FILTERINGBy means of natural cloths.AROMA< br/>Delicate with herbaceous... View
Evo Oil LE SCIARE Extra Virgin Olive Oil 3lt F R V can Frantoio Romano Vincenzo ACRVI019 Le Sciare comes from a selection of olives of the Nocellara variety of Etna, Tonda Iblea, Biancolilla in percentages varying from year to year, harvested in the volcanic soils of Etna. FEATURES:Variety of olives used: Nocellara Etnea;Production area: Slopes of Etna;Altitude of olive groves: from 900 meters above sea level;Free acidity % of oleic acid:... View
Evo Oil Dauno Multivarietal DOP 5 lt Tin Terre del Borgo Terre del Borgo ACTDB003 Extra virgin olive oil DOP Dauno born from the olivamento of Pizzutella, Ogliarola, Rotondella, Leccino cultivars with an intense golden yellow color and a clear and brilliant appearance.Persistent and stable on the palate with a green fruity aroma. It is refined and balanced, free of acidity and rich in slightly fruity and bitter hints. It ends with a... View
Evo Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil SICILY PGI 5 lt F R V can Frantoio Romano Vincenzo ACRVI018 FEATURES:Variety of olives used: nocellara dell'Etna, nocellara del Belice;Production area: Slopes of Etna, Simeto Valley;Altitude of the olive groves: 500- 800 meters above sea level;Free acidity % of oleic acid: from 0.20 to 0.50;Harvesting method: by hand with the aid of combs;Maturation state at harvest : early;Extraction system: continuous integral... View
Evo Oil Biancolilla Oil 500 ml Mandrarossa Mandrarossa ACMAN027 Denomination: Extra Virgin Olive Oil Size: 0.5l View
Evo Oil OLIÀ Extra Virgin Olive Oil Monocultivar Biancolilla GIFT BOX 50 cl Atmosfere Siciliane Atmosfere Siciliane ACATS024 CULTIVAR: Monocultivar Biancolilla.ZONE OF ORIGIN: Central Sicily.OLIVE GROVE ALTITUDE: High hills.PICKING TECHNIQUE: Picking by hand.EXTRACTION SYSTEM: Extraction continuous cold cycle (within 12 hours of harvesting) separation by centrifuge, natural decantation and racking.FILTERING: Through natural cloths.AROMA: Delicate and sweet green almond.TASTE:... View
Evo Oil Nonno Giovanni Oil 50 cl Albacara Albacara ACALB025 Rich and intense, with elegant notes of green tomato, almond, freshly cut grass and aromatic herbs.Ideal raw on all fish-based preparations, such as appetizers, seafood salads, fish cooked in baked and grilled, shellfish and soups. Also excellent on vegetables and grilled meats.Capacity: 50 cl Producer: Azienda Agrosì di E. Novello Albacara Fattoria del... View
Evo Oil EVO IGP oil 3 lt Don Vito Don Vito ACDOV061 Don Vito extra virgin olive oil preserves the ancient flavor born of remote wisdom and deriving from a long history that preserves the secret of genuineness and the delicacy of a pure and precious extra virgin olive oil. It is a 100% Sicilian cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil. In the month of October, at the right point of ripeness, the olives are... View
Evo Oil MONTE ETNA DOP Extra Virgin Olive Oil 3 lt F R V can Frantoio Romano Vincenzo ACRVI023 FEATURES:Cultivar: Nocellara dell'Etna as per production specification;Production area: Slopes of Etna;Altitude of the olive groves: 600-800 meters above sea level; Free acidity % of oleic acid: from 0.10 to 0.40;Harvest method: manual;State of ripeness at harvest: at veraison;Extraction system: continuous in two phases within the same day of... View
Evo Oil Nonno Giovanni Oil 25 cl Albacara Albacara ACALB024 Rich and intense, with elegant notes of green tomato, almond, freshly cut grass and aromatic herbs.Ideal raw on all fish-based preparations, such as appetizers, seafood salads, fish cooked in baked and grilled, shellfish and soups. Also excellent on vegetables and grilled meats.Capacity: 25 cl Producer: Azienda Agrosì di E. Novello Albacara Fattoria del... View
Evo Oil DON MICE' IGP Extra Virgin Olive Oil 75 cl F R V Frantoio Romano Vincenzo ACRVI014 FEATURES:Variety of olives used: nocellara dell'Etna, nocellara del Belice;Production area: Slopes of Etna, Simeto Valley;Altitude of the olive groves: 500- 800 meters above sea level;Free acidity % of oleic acid: from 0.20 to 0.50;Harvesting method: by hand with the aid of combs;State of ripeness at harvest : early;Extraction system: continuous integral... View
Evo Oil Tonda Iblea Extra Virgin Olive Oil 50 cl Vivera Vivera ACVSA010 Obtained with 100% Tonda Iblea olives, olive grove in Chiaramonte Gulfi (Rg) intense, spicy and harmoniously balanced, hand-picked - ORGANIC View
Evo Oil Terre di garzedda extra virgin olive oil 25 cl Castronovo Castronovo Azienda Agricola ACAAC001 The oil is obtained exclusively from the pressing of olives (Biancolilla and Nocellara del Belice quality) harvested between Grotte and Racalmuto. The color appears intense green with golden hues.When tasted it offers a fruity aroma. Harvesting at the right maturation times gives the oil bitter-spicy notes. The extra virgin olive oil from the Castronovo... View
Evo Oil Extra virgin olive oil PGI 1 lt tin Morgante Morgante ACMOR008 Golden like a ray of sunshine…Don Antonio extra virgin olive oil has a fruity texture, with hints of grass, tomato and artichoke. The taste is moderately bitter and spicy, slightly spicy. Excellent on croutons of hot and fragrant bread. 1 liter can. View