Who we are

Acchiari is a new company born from the long experience of the Milazzo family who since 1950 has preserved and cultivated the olive groves that extend across the Agrigento area, among the baroque of Naro and the archaeological site of the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, in Sicily. For the Milazzo company, the production and distribution of extra virgin olive oil, over the years, has been an opportunity to meet and discuss with a network of small and medium-sized Italian agri-food companies. The new company history is based on the awareness that it is mainly artisanal food and wine production which, through the brand products of thousands of companies spread throughout the national territory, allows the culture of food and beverage made in Italy to be preserved and promoted throughout the world. Italy.

The new story

In recent years, the Milazzo company, having become aware of technological progress and the processes of change triggered by it which are influencing our habits of purchasing goods and services, has decided to embrace change and respond to new online, experiential, safe, rewarding purchasing needs.
The Acchiari e-commerce platform offers its own online shopping service to different audiences/customers to whom it dedicates lines of typical food and wine products that can meet everyone's specific purchasing needs.
Acchiari intends to position itself as an inclusive and dynamic brand that is not limited to the sale of products but which wishes to bring the story of the individual regional brands to the attention of the public/customer, the true custodians of the Made in Italy food and wine tradition and culture.

Mission and vision

Our mission is to connect regional Italian brands, therefore products and producers, and serve the large network of Italian food and wine enthusiasts from all over the world. From this desire was born the idea of the large pantry of Italy as a virtual space but which reflects the real domestic experience of the Italian home, where the pantry becomes the treasure chest of many goodies to cook and share with others. 'guest.
Our vision is to connect the players in the made in Italy food and beverage sector and, with the strengthening of a widespread distribution network, to increasingly respond to the online purchasing needs of the single person and large international steakeholders who choose Made in Italy as a quality brand for their international food and wine lovers.

Our philosophy is slow. Are you joining us?

Our philosophy is slow because everything that is fast has a "cost" that is not always necessary.

Do you know what's behind the fast shipping service? We have tested it in the company and asked some users and we can confirm that the shipping service in just two days is unsustainable in most cases. Behind this request there is no urgent customer need but only a false need created by a certain logistics and shipping model structured by large industry giants to beat small organizations. The latter, on the contrary, aim to offer users quality of the product and producers and a customer service in line with the sustainable supply chain model to which more and more Italian brands are adapting.

Behind the fast shipping service there are many unsustainable logics, here we summarize only two of them:

  • There is waste of energy, stress among the people responsible for packaging and rapid delivery, they are above all young people, women and men, who end up feeling caged in a fast life model.
  • There is an entire company process that is activated for a small package that has to travel kilometers, even many, to reach homes, to then be used after days and days.

Therefore we invite you to adopt our philosophy and purchase the products present on the platform keeping in mind the principle that characterizes us, even at the risk of appearing to go against the trend.

Our search and selection method

Acchiari, in Sicilian and more precisely in a local dialect form, means “to find”.
To find: generated action from the strong desire to look for something precious, to preserve and tell.
This action coincides with our method of research and selection of Italian food and beverage, representative of the rich and varied regional food and wine heritage to offer to digital audiences increasingly demanding and attentive to the quality of the product, the brand, the production method, the company history.

Acchiari House

Step by step we are structuring the best online shopping and B2B partnership formula. Casa Acchiari is a digital space which, thanks to the collaboration with local merchants in the Italian territories, becomes a physical space that reaches and opens its doors to the community of food and wine lovers who will join us in ever greater numbers.

Receiving the products ordered in 5, 10 or 15 days, what could ever change in life?

Discover our loyalty program “Trust me, Acchiari is worth it for you”. Many advantages make your online shopping safe and convenient.

We thank you in advance for joining our “slow life” philosophy.

Are you fast? Let us know and your every wish will be an order for us!

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